Daily Devotions


Day 11

"A wheel was on the earth"

Text: Ezekiel 1:15


The vision that Ezekiel saw was both complex and profound. Ancient Jewish writers describe this scene as a chariot-throne (Hebrew “merkabhah”).

“Now as I looked at the living creatures, behold,
a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces.
The appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the colour of beryl,
and all four had the same likeness.
The appearance of their workings was, as it were,
a wheel in the middle of a wheel.”
Ezekiel 1:15-16

1. The living creatures.

a) They are also called cherubim.

b) They are mighty angels that stand before the presence of God.

2. Wheels of a chariot-throne.

a) The chariot of God.

b) Since the cherubim are mentioned, the Presence of God is assumed.

c) Where God sits, there is His throne.

d) Hence, the idea of a chariot-throne (merkabhah).

3. The wheels were awesome too.

a) The beryl has a number of colours.

b) A prominent colour is that of emerald green.

c) The chariot throne had four wheels.

4. A wheel within a wheel.

a) This is difficult to grasp.

b) But this vision was obviously captivating:

i) In majesty.

ii) In glory.

iii) In complexity.

c) The presence of the cherubim added much to the vision of the chariot-throne.