Daily Devotions


Day 5

"Their legs were straight"

Text: Ezekiel 1:7

We have a further description of the cherubim of God. They are portrayed with human references so that we may understand them better.

“Their legs were straight,
and the soles of their feet were like the soles of calves’ feet.
They sparkled like the colour of burnished bronze.”
Ezekiel 1:7

1. “Legs”

a) By means of the legs Man walks.

b) Man was supposed to walk straight.

c) Unfortunately, Man has never walked straight before the LORD.

d) The cherubim had straight legs and had always walked before God faithfully.

2. Soles of Calves’ feet.

a) The soles of a man are soft and easily bruised.

b) The soles of calves are hardier and stronger.

c) They may be calves but they are still strong.

d) Man is weak and soft and often unable to endure much hardship.

e) The cherubim are strong and sturdy in their service given to God.

3. “They sparkled”

a) Man is most ordinary.

b) Cherubim sparkle:

i) With beauty.

ii) With energy.

iii) With brilliance given by the LORD for their faithfulness.

4. Man was made in the image of God.

a) Man was wonderfully made in God’s image.

b) But sin blighted Man badly.

i) He does not walk straight.

ii) He is not strong.

iii) He does not stand out brilliantly.

Ezekiel was reminded of the glory that God had bestowed on the cherubim. They had remained faithful and were glorious in the beauty of holiness.