Daily Devotions


Day 7

"The creatures did not turn when they went"

Text: Ezekiel 1:9


This was the special feature that was different from Man. The “four living creatures” were given wings.

“Their wings touched one another.
The creatures did not turn when they went,
but each one went straight forward.”
Ezekiel 1:9

1. The cherubim were carved onto the mercy seat of the Ark.

a) Their wings covered the mercy seat.

b) Their faces would be turned to the mercy seat (Exodus 25:20).

c) They functioned as mighty angelic servants attending to the LORD.

2. The cherubim that Ezekiel saw.

a) They were living creatures (not carved ones) {Ezekiel 1:5}.

b) Their wings touched each other.

i) But they were of one accord.

ii) There was no discord among them.

iii) They were in perfect harmony.

3. They did not turn.

a) They were living creatures and thus they were able to move.

b) But their movements were:

i) Faithful

ii) True

iii) Steadfast

iv) Consistent

v) They went straight forward when they have a command from God.

4. The same cannot be said about Man.

a) Man finds it hard to remain faithful and true to God.

b) He is inclined to being devious and self-serving.

c) He has much to learn from the example of the four living creatures that stood in the presence of God.