Daily Devotions


Day 9

"Wherever the spirit wanted to go"

Text: Ezekiel 1:12


The next thought about the cherubim was more of an insight. Ezekiel had already made observations about the legs, hands, faces and wings of the cherubim. He was given this word of knowledge from the LORD.

“Thus were their faces.
Their wings stretched upward;
two wings of each one touched one another,
and two covered their bodies.
And each one went straight forward;
they went wherever the spirit wanted to go,
and they did not turn when they went.”
Ezekiel 1:11-12

1. The wings of the cherubim.

a) A pair stretched upwards.

i) The wings were facing upwards to heaven.

ii) They were in close touch with God.

iii) They were ready to do His bidding.

b) Another pair touched each other.

i) The cherubim were in one accord with other cherubim.

ii) There was perfect harmony.

iii) They were part of a consecrated and devoted team of faithful servants of God.

c) A third pair covered their bodies.

i) This speaks of their modesty.

ii) They maintained high dignity.

iii) They would never display their might.

2. The movements of the cherubim.

a) They too were given a spirit.

b) The spirit of the cherubim was in harmony with their body.

c) If the spirit of the cherubim was instructed to move forward by the LORD:

i) The cherubim would obey instantly.

ii) They would obey fully.

iii) There would be no conflict at all.

3. In sad contrast.

a) Man’s spirit is rebellious.

b) Man believes in himself more than he trusts God.

c) Man hesitates when God commands.

d) All too often, man disobeys God, preferring to follow his sinful spirit.