Daily Devotions


Day 95

"Then the glory of the LORD departed"

Text: Ezekiel 10:18


This part of the vision had a very sad element. Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord depart from the Temple in Jerusalem. The glory of the Temple was mistaken by many to be found in the physical structure and its artefacts. The true glory was in the presence of the Lord.

“Then the glory of the LORD departed from the threshold of the temple
and stood over the cherubim.
And the cherubim lifted their wings
and mounted up from the earth in my sight.
When they went out, the wheels were beside them;
and they stood at the door of the east gate of the LORD’s house,
and the glory of the God of Israel was above them.”
Ezekiel 10:18-19

1. The departure of the glory of the Lord.

a) It had once filled the court of the Temple.

b) It moved from the inner court to the threshold of the Temple.

c) It departed from the threshold of Temple.

d) The temple of the Lord did not enjoy the Divine presence anymore.

2. The glory of the Lord was over the cherubim.

a) God’s divine presence was with them.

b) These mighty cherubim had always been faithful to the Lord.

c) They had done His bidding:

i) Faithfully

ii) Diligently

iii) Wisely

iv) They were living examples of how to serve the Lord God.

3. At the door of the East gate of the Temple.

a) The glory of the Lord moved from the threshold of the Temple to the East gate.

b) It then mounted up from the earth heavenward.

c) The cherubim and their Wheels escorted the glory of the Lord every step of the way.

4. The temple in Jerusalem.

a) It was just a building.

b) It was bereft of the glory of the Lord.

c) It was no more than an empty shell awaiting the coals of fire that would destroy the erstwhile glorious temple built by king Solomon.