Daily Devotions


Day 100

"I will bring a sword upon you"

Text: Ezekiel 11:8


The leaders in Jerusalem used an imagery to describe their state. The city was the cauldron and the leaders are the meat. They looked forward to a sumptuous meal. The LORD gave a twist to this imagery!

“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD:
‘Your slain whom you have laid in its midst,
they are the meat, and this city is the caldron;
but I shall bring you out of the midst of it.
You have feared the sword;
and I will bring a sword upon you,’ says the Lord GOD.”
Ezekiel 11:7-8

1. The cauldron

a) The city of Jerusalem was indeed the cauldron.

b) The city was in danger of being captured and destroyed.

c) Yet the leaders refused to admit that the city was in danger.

2. The meat

a) The slain would be the meat in the cauldron.

b) How would anyone look forward to a cauldron with dead flesh in it?

3. Hidden plans

a) The leaders had alternative plans should things go wrong.

b) They had their own secret plans of escaping if the city fell.

c) They were milking the system for their own benefit.

e) They had no thought of others at all.

4. The rulers

a) They were cowards and would make use of people to defend the city.

b) They were afraid of the sword.

c) They believed they can escape the sword.

d) They were wrong!

e) The sword they feared would be brought against them.

f) This was their judgment from the LORD.