Daily Devotions


Day 104

"I shall be a little sanctuary for them"

Text: Ezekiel 11:16


The LORD had graciously given Israel the land of Canaan as an inheritance. The nation was commanded to walk righteously before the LORD their God. But the people chose to reject God and the covenant that was established with them.

It was God’s prerogative to give. It was also His right to withdraw His blessings. The LORD would allow His people to experience exile for 70 years in Babylon. But He would not be far from them even if they were far from their home.

“Therefore say, ‘Thus says the Lord God:
‘Although I have cast them far off among the Gentiles,
and although I have scattered them among the countries,
yet I shall be a little sanctuary for them
in the countries where they have gone.””
Ezekiel 11:16

1. A special promise was given.

a) This was a promise that came from the Lord their God.

b) He would continue to show them mercy and grace despite their sinfulness.

2. The punishment.

a) Israel would be cast off from their home land.

b) They would be found among the Gentiles.

c) They would be scattered among many countries.

3. A little sanctuary.

a) The LORD would be a sanctuary as always:

i) A hiding place.

ii) A refuge.

iii) A shelter.

iv) This would be more spiritual than physical.

b) Why was it called “a little sanctuary?”

i) There would not be a temple.

ii) It would not be in the form of any physical edifice.

iii) Thus it would appear to be “a little sanctuary”.

iv) But in this secret place the faithful would be protected by the Lord.

4. Finding the sanctuary of the Lord.

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.'”
Psalm 91:1-2