Daily Devotions


Day 99

"I know the things that come into your mind"

Text: Ezekiel 11:5


What would Ezekiel preach? Ezekiel had revelation after revelation from God concerning the true spiritual state of Israel. He must speak of that which was true!

“Then the Spirit of the Lord fell upon me, and said to me,
‘Speak! ‘Thus says the Lord:
‘Thus you have said, O house of Israel;
for I know the things that come into your mind.
You have multiplied your slain in this city,
and you have filled its streets with the slain.”'”
Ezekiel 11:5-6

1. The Spirit of the Lord.

a) Once again, He fell upon Ezekiel:

i) To fill him.

ii) To enlighten him.

iii) To empower him.

b) The Spirit spoke to Ezekiel.

i) Directly

ii) Distinctly

2. The thoughts of the people in Israel.

a) The thoughts of these 25 leaders more specifically.

b) God showed Ezekiel what their thoughts were.

c) God, being omniscient, knew every thought that came to them.

d) This was startling to those who believed that their thoughts were their own and no one could possibly know them.

e) Nothing will ever be hidden from God’s sight.

3. The sins committed.

a) Many crimes were committed in the streets.

b) Many were slain in the streets.

c) The streets were filled with dead people.

i) The slain was described as “multiplied”.

ii) The authorities had no control.

iii) Jerusalem was not a safe city anymore.