Daily Devotions


Day 108

"In the midst of a rebellious house"

Text: Ezekiel 12:2


Ezekiel was reminded time and again that he lived among rebellious people. This was a truth that was painful to bear.

“Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
‘Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house,
which has eyes to see but does not see,
and ears to hear but does not hear;
for they are a rebellious house.'”
Ezekiel 12:1-2

1. Another word from the Lord.

a) This was a reminder.

b) This was a truth that Ezekiel had to live with.

c) He must find the strength and courage to remain true to the Lord.

2. What Ezekiel may expect from a rebellious house.

a) What does it mean to dwell amidst a rebellious house?

b) Ezekiel must be well-fortified.

c) He must not expect that his ministry would be easy.

d) There would be resistance to the messages that he brings from the Lord.

3. Eyes that would not see.

a) The task of a prophet is to help people see things correctly.

b) Ezekiel was given many visions so that he could see the sins of Israel clearly.

c) The sad reality was that the rebellious house of Israel would not see no matter how much Ezekiel would reveal things to them.

d) They would reject what was plain to see!

4. Ears that would not hear.

a) Ezekiel proclaimed many messages from the Lord to the house of Israel.

b) But the rebellious house of Israel refused to hear what he proclaimed.

c) No matter how passionately he preached, the rebellious house of Israel would not hear.