Daily Devotions


Day 110

Text: "Dig through the wall in their sight"


This text must be read carefully with Ezekiel’s action in mind. Ezekiel was instructed to carry his belongings with him. This action follows the previous one.

“Dig through the wall in their sight,
and carry your belongings out through it.
In their sight you shall bear them on your shoulders
and carry them out at twilight;
you shall cover your face, so that you cannot see the ground,
for I have made you a sign to the house of Israel.”
Ezekiel 12:5-6

1. “Dig through the wall in their sight”

a) The “wall” is not a reference to his house.

b) It is a reference to the walls of the city.

2. “Carry your belongings”

a) Ezekiel would then attempt to carry his belongings with him.

b) This was meant to be an attempt to escape from Jerusalem.

3. “At twilight”

a) Ezekiel will do this at “twilight”.

b) Hopefully, he can escape unnoticed.

4. Covering the face.

a) This was an additional feature.

b) This was an attempt to conceal his identity.

c) He must be well-covered up almost to the point of being unable to see the ground.

5. “A sign to the house of Israel”

a) Ezekiel would enact this for all to see.

b) He would be a sign to Israel.

c) Hopefully, the impact of this lesson would not be lost on the house of Israel.