Daily Devotions
"It is thrown into the fire for fuel"
Text: Ezekiel 15:4
The LORD continued to teach Ezekiel how he may address the problem of pride in Israel. The nation had an over-inflated idea of its superiority to other nations.
“Is wood taken from it to make any object?
Or can men make a peg from it to hang any vessel on?
Instead, it is thrown into the fire for fuel;
the fire devours both ends of it, and its middle is burned.
Is it useful for any work?
Indeed, when it was whole, no object could be made from it.
How much less will it be useful for any work
when the fire has devoured it, and it is burned?”
Ezekiel 15:3-5
1. Wood from Trees.
a) Many objects are made from the wood of good trees.
b) A simple example is the making of a humble peg.
c) These were used in homes to hang household objects.
i) Pots and pans
ii) Work clothes
iii) Odds and ends
2. Could wood from the vine be used in a similar way?
a) The stark reality is that wood from the vine cannot be used for making any useful objects.
b) The vine, in this respect, cannot take pride when compared to other types of wood.
c) Israel had nothing to boast about!
d) This was a sobering reality.
3. Wood from the vine.
a) How was it used?
b) It is thrown into the fire as fuel.
c) It is easily and thoroughly consumed by the fire.
d) Once burned, the wood from the vine is completely useless.
e) Once Judah is razed to the ground, what would become of the nation?