Daily Devotions
"I will set My face against them"
Text: Ezekiel 15:7
The Lord had to come down heavily on Judah for its sinfulness. The problem was deep for the nation persisted in unfaithfulness!
“Therefore thus says the Lord God:
‘Like the wood of the vine among the trees of the forest,
which I have given to the fire for fuel,
so I will give up the inhabitants of Jerusalem;
and I will set My face against them.
They will go out from one fire,
but another fire shall devour them.
Then you shall know that I am the Lord,
when I set My face against them.
Thus I will make the land desolate,
because they have persisted in unfaithfulness,’
says the Lord God.”
Ezekiel 15:6-8
1. Fire needs fuel.
a) Wood was used as fuel.
b) Wood from the vine was just additional fuel to the fire the Babylonians started.
c) The Babylonians were conquerors from the north and they literally burned the many countries they conquered.
d) War was sometimes symbolically called “fire”.
2. Judah had too many fires to put out.
a) They were at war with their neighbours, for example, Edom.
b) They were now facing an even bigger fire, war with Babylon.
3. God could have delivered the enemies.
a) He defeated the Assyrians in the days of King Hezekiah.
b) But He would not deliver Judah now.
c) He would allow them to be burned by the fire of the Babylonians.
4. One reason was singled out for mention.
a) Judah “persisted in unfaithfulness”.
b) This was the deep underlying problem.
5. Consequences of such persistent unfaithfulness.
a) God will give up the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
b) He will set His face against them.
c) They will have to fight one fire after another without help from God.
d) The people would be devoured.
e) The land would become desolate.