Daily Devotions
"You were thrown out into the open field"
Text: Ezekiel 16:5
Ezekiel was given a strong message to deliver to Jerusalem. He described the hard times Israel experienced when it became a nation in the land of Canaan.
“As for your nativity,
on the day you were born your navel cord was not cut,
nor were you washed in water to cleanse you;
you were not rubbed with salt nor wrapped in swaddling cloths.
No eye pitied you, to do any of these things for you,
to have compassion on you;
but you were thrown out into the open field,
when you yourself were loathed on the day you were born.”
Ezekiel 16:4-5
1. In a typical family.
When a baby is born the following things are done:
a) The naval cord (umbilical) is cut.
b) The baby is washed in water for cleansing.
c) The infant is rubbed with salt gently (an ancient practice).
d) Finally, the baby is wrapped in swaddling cloths.
2. Israel’s nativity.
a) The naval cord was not cut.
b) The baby was unwashed.
c) No gentle hands rubbed salt (it was done in the hope that it would make the baby strong).
d) Baby Israel was not wrapped in swaddling cloths.
3. No love shown to Israel.
a) No one had a pitying eye.
b) None of the loving actions were done to the infant nation.
c) No one showed pity or compassion.
4. Israel as an infant nation.
a) It was thrown out into the open field.
b) The nation was loathed from the first day it was born.
c) The neighbouring nations were hostile to Israel.
d) The leaders of the nascent nation were more concerned about their personal well-being than in nation-building.
e) It was a wonder that Israel survived as a nation at all!