Daily Devotions


Day 151

"My gold and My silver"

Text: Ezekiel 16:17


The Lord reminded Israel that all she enjoyed was given by Him. Every single item of wealth was given out of the grace and love of God! What did Israel do with these gifts?

“‘You have also taken your beautiful jewelry
from My gold and My silver, which I had given you,
and made for yourself male images and played the harlot with them.
You took your embroidered garments and covered them,
and you set My oil and My incense before them.
Also My food which I gave you—
the pastry of fine flour, oil, and honey which I fed you—
you set it before them as sweet incense; and so it was,’
says the Lord God.”
Ezekiel 16:17-19

1. The things that God had given to Israel.

a) The beautiful jewelry of gold and silver.
These were used to make carved images for worship.

b) The embroidered garments.
They were covered up.

c) The oil and incense that were meant for the Lord.
These were given to the idols Israel had made.

d) The food that God had given.

i) Fine flour

ii) Oil

iii) Incense

iv) All these items were offered to the idols that Israel worshipped.

v) Israel gave away all the wealth that God had bestowed on her.

2. What the Lord was doing.

a) He was remonstrating with Israel.

b) He was rebuking Israel for her idolatrous ways.

3. What Israel was doing:

a) It was shameless.

b) It was bordering on insanity.

c) Israel had turned her back on the Lord who had so richly blessed her.

d) Israel had fallen into grave deception.