Daily Devotions


Day 152

"All your abominations and acts of harlotry"

Text: Ezekiel 16:22


The deeds of Israel became more heinous. Wicked deeds went from bad to worse with the passing of time! These had to be addressed candidly.

“Moreover you took your sons and your daughters,
whom you bore to Me,
and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured.
Were your acts of harlotry a small matter,
that you have slain My children and offered them up to them
by causing them to pass through the fire?
And in all your abominations and acts of harlotry
you did not remember the days of your youth,
when you were naked and bare, struggling in your blood.”
Ezekiel 16:20-22

1. The offspring of Israel.

a) God had blessed Israel with many children.

b) Israel saw their children as their own.

c) God challenged this erroneous way of thinking.

2. The children of Israel.

a) They were not just the children of Israel.

b) They were the children of God too.

3. The slaying of children.

a) They were slain freely and offered to false deities.

b) They were devoured!

4. Was this a small matter?

a) Israel was engaged in human sacrifice.

b) This act did not even bother the conscience of the people.

c) Children were made to pass through fire.

d) They were slain as a result.

e) Israel practised human sacrifice as if it was an ordinary thing to do!

5. How God evaluated the practice of human sacrifice.

a) God call it “an abomination!”

b) This was reprehensible!

6. Israel had conveniently forgotten the past.

a) The days of Israel’s youth was forgotten.

b) The days of hard struggle were forgotten:

i) Days of blood.

ii) Days of nakedness.

iii) Israel did not even possess the basic things of life to survive.

c) All that God had done for Israel was conveniently “forgotten!”