Daily Devotions


Day 158

"Hear the word of the Lord"

Text: Ezekiel 16:35


The Lord God had to speak firmly to Israel, not as a beloved wife but as a harlot! These were strong words that God employed to address the sinful nation!

“Now then, O harlot, hear the word of the Lord!
Thus says the Lord God:
‘Because your filthiness was poured out
and your nakedness uncovered in your harlotry with your lovers,
and with all your abominable idols,
and because of the blood of your children which you gave to them,
surely, therefore, I will gather all your lovers with whom you took pleasure,
all those you loved, and all those you hated;
I will gather them from all around against you
and will uncover your nakedness to them,
that they may see all your nakedness.'”
Ezekiel 16:35-37

1. Harlotry

a) It is a synonym for prostitution.

b) The nation had become no more than a harlot.

c) This was the strong word God gave to Israel.

2. The sins of Israel described.

a) Israel’s sin was described as “filth”.

b) The nation had no sense of shame.

c) Harlotry was practised by the idolatrous nations.

d) Israel had chosen to walk in the path of idolatrous worship.

e) Human sacrifice was not uncommon.

f) One of the worst forms was child-sacrifice!

3. What God would do.

a) The Lord will gather all the nations (“lovers”).

b) These are the ones Israel consorted with.

i) Some were loved by Israel.

ii) Some others were hated.

c) God will confront Israel and the nations together.

d) Israel’s sins would then be exposed to all.