Daily Devotions


Day 162

"Like mother, like daughter"

Text: Ezekiel 16:44


Proverbial sayings arise from observations in life. There were many proverbial sayings that arose from observing the life of Israel as a nation.

“Indeed everyone who quotes proverbs will use this proverb against you:
‘Like mother, like daughter!’
You are your mother’s daughter, loathing husband and children;
and you are the sister of your sisters,
who loathed their husbands and children;
your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite.”
Ezekiel 16:44-45

1. The quoting of proverbs.

a) This was a common practice.

b) Sometimes, people made up proverbs.

c) Some of these proverbs became commonplace sayings.

2. “Like mother, like daughter”

a) This was a proverbial saying.

b) The complementary one was “Like father, like son”.

3. A rebuke to Israel.

a) A word of rebuke was uttered.

b) Many insulted Israel by asking about her parentage.

c) The usual response:

ii) Her mother was a Hittite.

iii) Her father was an Amorite.

4. The correct answer should have traced the heritage of Israel to Abraham who was regarded as a prince by the Amorites.

5. The behaviour of Israel was contrary to the noble heritage of the nation.

a) Israel was likened to a Hittite woman.

b) Typical behaviour of the Hittite women:

i) They loathed their husbands and children.

ii) She and her sister (Israel) were alike in their behaviour.

c) This was an insulting proverbial saying that was commonly hurled at Israel.