Daily Devotions


Day 189

"Therefore turn and live"

Text: Ezekiel 18:32


The Lord warned Israel that the nation would be judged. They would be judged by the individual ways they have chosen to walk in.

“‘Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel,
every one according to his ways,’ says the Lord God.
‘Repent, and turn from all your transgressions,
so that iniquity will not be your ruin.
Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed,
and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.
For why should you die, O house of Israel?
For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies,’
says the Lord God.
‘Therefore turn and live!'”
Ezekiel 18:30-32

1. Warning of judgment.

a) According to the ways of the individuals.

b) If one were to choose transgression and iniquity, there would be ruin.

2. Strong admonition.

a) To cast away all the transgressions.

b) The way of transgression would lead to death.

3. Forsaking the old heart and spirit.

a) This word given is sound and solid.

b) Why would anyone choose a path that leads to death?

c) The old heart and spirit are deadly:

i) Stubbornness

ii) Wickedness

iii) Iniquity

d) God takes no pleasure in meting out the death penalty.

4. Seeking a new heart and spirit:

a) Through repentance.

b) Through returning to the Lord.

c) Through faith in the mercy of God.

d) Israel must turn to God and then the nation would live.

e) This truth must be individually applied!

f) This opportunity to choose a life of righteousness must be seized.