Daily Devotions


Day 20

"You shall speak My words to them"

Text: Ezekiel 2:7


The LORD spoke to Ezekiel with great authority and firmness. He would be His messenger. He would declare God’s word to those who had been exiled to Babylon. Ezekiel must deal with his fears and overcome them.

“And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words,
though briers and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions;
do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their looks,
though they are a rebellious house.
You shall speak My words to them,
whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious.”
Ezekiel 2:6-7

1. “Do not be afraid”

a) Ezekiel had to face whatever fears he felt.

b) He must realise that his ministry as a prophet would not be an easy one.

c) Nevertheless:

i) He must not be afraid.

ii) He must not be dismayed.

2. Things that could cause fears to arise.

a) The refugee-people in Babylon.

b) The negative words of the people who may resist his ministry.

c) The disdainful looks of the people.

3. Description of the people in Babylon.

a) They were compared to briers and thorns.

i) They were no longer compared to stately trees like the cedar.

ii) They were now reduced to mere shrubs.

b) They were also compared to scorpions that sting.

i) Scorpions were dreaded.

ii) The refugees were dreaded even more than their fellow-refugees.

c) They were called “a rebellious house”.

i) Rebellion had become a hallmark of the children of Israel.

ii) Their first king, Saul, was rebuked for rebellion by Samuel the prophet
(1 Samuel 15:23).

4. The word of the LORD.

a) Ezekiel must proclaim the word of God.

b) Even if the people will not hear and respond appropriately.