Daily Devotions


Day 21

"Eat what I give to you"

Text: Ezekiel 2:8


The LORD had to help Ezekiel to prepare himself well if he hopes to have a fruitful ministry. His ministry was to declare the word of the LORD faithfully.

“‘But you, son of man, hear what I say to you.
Do not be rebellious like that rebellious house;
open your mouth and eat what I give you.’
Now when I looked, there was a hand stretched out to me;
and behold, a scroll of a book was in it.
Then He spread it before me;
and there was writing on the inside and on the outside,
and written on it were lamentations and mourning and woe.”
Ezekiel 2:8-10

1. The rebellious house of Israel.

a) Israel was now characterised as “a rebellious house”.

b) As King Saul had rebelled and rejected the Word of the LORD, so had the nation.

2. Ezekiel was forewarned

a) He must not become like rebellious Israel.

b) He must not become tainted with the sin of rebellion.

3. The Word of God.

a) God would give to Ezekiel His Word.

b) Ezekiel’s part:

i) He is to open his mouth and eat what God had given to him.

ii) The Word of God was compared to food.

iii) Ezekiel must ingest the food given.

4. A scroll from the LORD.

a) A hand was stretched out to Ezekiel.

b) Books were written as a scroll in the ancient days.

c) Ezekiel was given a scroll (book) to digest.

5. The LORD spread the scroll.

a) The scroll was full of words.

i) There was writing on both sides of the scroll.

ii) This suggests that it contained heavy contents.

b) A brief description of the contents of the book:

i) Lamentations

ii) Mourning

iii) Woe

Ezekiel would have to be thoroughly familiar with the contents before he was ready to preach the Word of God!