Daily Devotions


Day 197

"The abominations of their fathers"

Text: Ezekiel 20:4


On the subject of judgment, many misquote the Lord Jesus incorrectly. They apply Matthew 7:1 wrongly. They cite this text as if there must never be any judgment made! This was not what the Lord Jesus taught!

The Lord addressed the problem of judging people with condemnation in view. He warned that the person who judges must be prepared to be judged with the same measure!

“Will you judge them, son of man, will you judge them?
Then make known to them the abominations of their fathers.
Say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God:
‘On the day when I chose Israel and raised My hand in an oath
to the descendants of the house of Jacob,
and made Myself known to them in the land of Egypt,
I raised My hand in an oath to them, saying,
‘I am the Lord your God.”'”
Ezekiel 20:4-5

1. The prophets of God played many roles.

a) He was a preacher and teacher.

b) He was called to be a mediator at times.

c) He must of course be an intercessor.

d) On occasions, he functions as a judge.

2. Will you judge them?

a) This was an acknowledged role of the servants of God.

b) But the prophet must have full knowledge before he gives his judgment.

c) The Lord Himself would give Ezekiel the necessary knowledge before he declares his judgment.

d) Deep knowledge is essential.

3. Ezekiel must be made aware of the following things:

a) Abominations of their fathers.

b) This is a reference to the wicked practices of their forefathers.

i) The worship of idols.

ii) The wicked activities of idolatrous worshippers.

iii) Israel had practised these abominations for a very long time.

4. God’s history with Israel reviewed.

a) God had graciously chosen Israel to be His people.

b) He had taken an oath to make a covenant with the children of Israel.

c) He had revealed and manifested Himself to His people when they were enslaved in Egypt.

d) He declared who He is to the children of Israel.

“I am the Lord your God”
Leviticus 19:3

e) The many attributes of God are to be found in this one phrase.

i) His holiness.

ii) His majesty.

iii) His power.

iv) His authority.

v) His mercy.