Daily Devotions


Day 268

"I will stretch out My hand against you"

Text: Ezekiel 25:7


The Ammonites had no particular reason to hate Israel so much. When the children of Israel were marching to Canaan, they were given clear instructions not to harm Moab and Ammon (Deuteronomy 2). They were kin to the children of Israel.

“For thus says the Lord God:
‘Because you clapped your hands, stamped your feet,
and rejoiced in heart with all your disdain for the land of Israel,
indeed, therefore, I will stretch out My hand against you,
and give you as plunder to the nations;
I will cut you off from the peoples,
and I will cause you to perish from the countries;
I will destroy you, and you shall know that I am the Lord.'”
Ezekiel 25:6-7

1. The wickedness of Ammon.

a) They clapped their hands with joy when Babylon fought Judah.

b) They stamped their feet with glee when Judah was been beaten badly in battle.

c) They rejoiced when Judah fell.

d) There was disdain in their hearts for the land of Israel.

2. God’s response to their wickedness.

a) The Lord will stretch out His hands against Ammon.

b) He will give them as plunder to the marauding nations.

i) The Babylonian empire was made up of a number of nations.

ii) They formed a mighty coalition of nations to become known as the Babylonian kingdom.

iii) It was not just made up of Babylonians who were too small on their own.

iv) Hence the reference to “the nations”.

3. The destruction of Ammon forewarned.

a) The Ammonites would be cut off.

b) They would perish.

c) They will be destroyed.

4. The sovereignty of God.

a) Once again this was mentioned.

b) The Ammonites were subject to the sovereign power of God.

c) All nations are subject to the Lord!