Daily Devotions


Day 22

"Eat this scroll"

Text: Ezekiel 3:1


The ministry of Ezekiel was carefully described. The beginning of his ministry began with a glorious vision of the living creatures. Ezekiel then heard the voice of the LORD calling him to become His spokesman. He would become a special prophet of the LORD in Babylon. This was a rare ministry for most of the prophets were located in Israel or in Judah.

“Moreover He said to me, ‘Son of man, eat what you find;
eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.’
So I opened my mouth, and He caused me to eat that scroll.”
Ezekiel 3:1-2

1. The ministry of the priest.

a) Ezekiel was a priest.

b) His ministry would have been confined to the Temple and all its activities.

c) But he was in Babylon and God had given him a different ministry.

2. The ministry of a prophet.

a) This was distinctively different from that of a priest.

b) The main focus of a prophet’s ministry was the proclamation of the Word of God.

c) God would give to the prophet one message after another.

d) Each message must be carefully ingested first before the Word of God is preached.

3. Eating the Word of God.

a) Ezekiel must first find the Word of God.

b) He must then eat that which he finds.

c) This was a vital part of his calling as a prophet of God.

d) He must know the Word of God thoroughly.

4. Speaking the Word of God.

a) Ezekiel must not just focus on speaking.

b) He must speak the Word of God given to him.

c) This was a spiritual discipline that he must cultivate.

5. Obedience of Ezekiel.

a) He opened his mouth.

b) God caused him to eat the scroll that was given to him.

c) Ezekiel would follow the example of faithful prophets in the past.

i) Moses was deeply associated with the ministry of the Word.

ii) Samuel learned to love the Word of God from childhood.