Daily Devotions


Day 23

"Speak with My words"

Text: Ezekiel 3:4


The LORD first showed Ezekiel what he wanted him to do. He was to feed on the Word that was given to him.

“And He said to me,
‘Son of man, feed your belly, and fill your stomach with this scroll that I give you.’
So I ate, and it was in my mouth like honey in sweetness.
Then He said to me:
‘Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with My words to them.'”
Ezekiel 3:3-4

1. The imagery of eating.

a) Ezekiel must “feed his belly”.

b) He must fill his stomach with the scroll God had given to him.

c) The imagery of eating is to be noted.

i) Ezekiel was to do more than to taste the food.

ii) He was to eat till his stomach was full.

2. Following through.

a) Ezekiel ate the scroll.

b) It tasted like honey.

i) The Word of God is indeed sweet.

ii) Ezekiel was wise to follow through with what God had spoken to him.

c) The sad reality.

i) The Word of God had been given to Israel again and again.

ii) From the days of Moses to the present, the Word of God was given.

iii) But Israel had rebelled and had rejected the Word of God as King Saul did.

iv) Thus, Israel had lost out terribly because it had failed to have the right regard for the Word of God.

3. Going to the house of Israel.

a) Ezekiel had done his part in eating the scroll.

b) The Word of God was now fully in him.

c) He was now ready to be sent to the rebellious house of Israel.

d) He would courageously proclaim the Word of God to the people who had been exiled to Babylon.