Daily Devotions


Day 27

"Then the Spirit lifted me up"

Text: Ezekiel 3:12


The Spirit of God had entered into Ezekiel as he heard the divine word (Ezekiel 2:2). He was going to be significantly involved in the life and ministry of Ezekiel.

“Then the Spirit lifted me up,
and I heard behind me a great thunderous voice:
‘Blessed is the glory of the LORD from His place!’
I also heard the noise of the wings
of the living creatures that touched one another,
and the noise of the wheels beside them,
and a great thunderous noise.”
Ezekiel 3:12-13

1. “The Spirit lifted me up”

a) The concept of “lifting”.

i) It can be understood as something physical.

ii) It can also be seen as a spiritual uplift.

b) As the LORD spoke to Ezekiel:

i) He was uplifted.

ii) As he read the Word given to him the Spirit lifted him up spiritually.

2. Hearing the voice of the LORD.

a) “The glory of the LORD” was announced.

b) Ezekiel was spiritually revitalised even as the Spirit of God lifted him up.

c) There was a deeper appreciation of the manifestation of the glory of the LORD right where he was.

d) The glory of the LORD was of great importance in the history of Israel.

i) It was manifested at Mount Sinai (Exodus 19-20).

ii) It was revealed to Moses and the 70 Elders (Exodus 24).

iii) It was revealed at the consecration of the Tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-38).

e) As God spoke to Ezekiel, he heard a voice declaring the LORD’s glory.

3. The glory of God.

a) It may be seen.

b) It may also be heard.

i) It sounded like the noise of the wings of the cherubim.

ii) In addition, the noise of the wheels.

iii) It sounded “thunderous”.