Daily Devotions


Day 32

"The glory of the LORD stood there"

Text: Ezekiel 3:23


The glory of the LORD was first revealed to Ezekiel at the River Chebar (Ezekiel 1). Though the vision of the living creatures was spectacular, it was not the glory of God. Once again, the glory of the LORD was revealed, but not at the River Chebar.

“Then the hand of the LORD was upon me there, and He said to me,
‘Arise, go out into the plain, and there I shall talk with you.’
So I arose and went out into the plain,
and behold, the glory of the LORD stood there,
like the glory which I saw by the River Chebar;
and I fell on my face.”
Ezekiel 3:22-23

1. The hand of the LORD.

a) This represents God’s presence.

b) His might and power.

c) The hand of God was upon Ezekiel as He made him a watchman over Israel.

2. Instruction from the LORD.

a) God met him at the River Chebar.

b) Ezekiel was brought to Tel Abib.

c) He was now instructed to go to “the plain”.

i) This was outside the city.

ii) We are not able to specify the exact location of “the plain”.

3. Ezekiel’s obedience.

a) He complied with the instruction given to him.

b) He went to the plain.

4. The glory of the LORD was there.

a) This was the second time the glory of the LORD was manifested.

i) It was the same glory manifested at the River Chebar.

ii) God’s glory was shown to Ezekiel once again.

iii) Ezekiel prostrated himself before the LORD and His glory.

b) Ezekiel was learning a deep lesson about the glory of the LORD.

i) God’s glory was not confined to the Land of Israel.

ii) It was not restricted to the Temple.

iii) It had appeared at the River Chebar.

iv) It was revealed again in the plain.

v) These manifestations would make a tremendous impact on Ezekiel.