Daily Devotions


Day 84

"Each with a deadly weapon in his hand"

Text: Ezekiel 9:1


The LORD revealed how He would execute divine judgment upon the unrepentant wicked and violent people in Judah. In this vision Ezekiel was shown how mighty angels of God would be involved.

“Then He called out in my hearing with a loud voice, saying,
‘Let those who have charge over the city draw near,
each with a deadly weapon in his hand.’
And suddenly six men came from the direction of the upper gate,
which faces north, each with his battle-ax in his hand.
One man among them was clothed with linen
and had a writer’s inkhorn at his side.
They went in and stood beside the bronze altar.”
Ezekiel 9:1-2

1. God calling out with a loud voice.

a) Ezekiel heard God’s commanding voice.

b) He spoke to those who were given charge of the city of Jerusalem.

2. Who were these “men?”

a) They are called “men” in this text.

b) This is a vision from the LORD and thus the text must be understood figuratively.

3. The Angel of the LORD.

a) He appeared as a Man:

i) To Hagar Genesis 16

ii) To Joshua Joshua 5

b) We know Him as the Pre-incarnate Lord.

c) This was how the Lord revealed Himself in the past.

4. Angels as men.

a) Two men (angels) came to Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19).

b) There were six men who appeared at God’s call.

c) Each was armed with a battle axe.

d) These angels were given charge of the city of Jerusalem.

5. There was another man among them.

a) He was dressed as a scribe.

b) He had an ink horn with him.

c) He would be the seventh man.

d) His work would be a very different one.

6. The team of angelic beings.

a) They came from the North.

b) This was where the “image of jealousy” was situated.

c) They appeared before the LORD in the Temple.

d) They were invisible to all the idolatrous worshippers.

e) They stood beside the bronze altar.

7. The bronze altar.

a) This was the place where sacrifices were made.

b) The altar was a symbol of death here.

c) Their appearance was ominous.