Daily Devotions

Filled with the Holy Spirit

Filled with the Holy Spirit 
Day 48

"Then the Spirit told me to go..."


The Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ had learned how to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit in their life and ministry. Through constant practice they were able to comprehend how He would lead the Church. The Apostle Peter had to explain to the Church in Jerusalem how the Spirit of God had commanded him to minister to the Gentiles (Acts 11).


The Apostle Peter had to explain the ministry of the Holy Spirit. It would be unwise to assume that everyone had this knowledge.

1. A vision from the Lord in heaven (Acts 11:4-10)

a) This vision was given three times.
b) For confirmation and for emphasis that this vision was indeed from God (Acts 11:10).

2. A vital lesson that stood out (Acts 11:9)

a) What God had cleansed cannot be called unclean.
b) The lesson intended: The Church must not regard Gentiles as unclean.

3. The Spirit told me to go with them (Acts 11:12)

a) He gave clear instruction to Peter.
b) He was to go to the home of Cornelius to preach to them the gospel.
c) Cornelius also received a vision from God to expect Peter (Acts 11:13).

4. While preaching the Gospel

a) The Holy Spirit fell upon Cornelius and those who were with him (Acts 11:15).
b) Recalling what John the Baptiser preached.
i) The promise of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
ii) This incident just confirmed the truth of God’s word.

5. Who was I to withstand God (Acts 11:17)

a) The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was not caused by Peter.
b) It was the sovereign act of God.

6. Conclusion reached

a) God had granted salvation to Gentiles.
b) Thus they too could have the Holy Spirit as God’s seal and guarantee of salvation.

The Holy Spirit’s activities confirmed for the Church that He was fully in charge. His authority and power to grant salvation was not to be denied or resisted in any way!