Daily Devotions
Filled with the Holy Spirit
"Full of the Holy Spirit..."
Text: Acts 11:24
As we read the Book of Acts, some striking features associated with Church leaders stand out.
1. Leaders of the Church
a) The Apostle Peter may be singled out as an example.
b) He was described as being “filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 4:8).
2. Qualities desired of leaders
a) To have a good reputation.
b) To be full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3).
c) Stephen may be singled out for mention.
i) He was described as “a man full of faith” (Acts 6:5).
ii) “And the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5).
3. The Apostle Barnabas
a) It is not well known that he was called an apostle (but he was! Cf. Acts 14:14).
b) He was well-described (Acts 11:24): –
i) “A good man”
ii) “Full of the Holy Spirit”
iii) “And of faith”
4. The Apostle Paul
a) He was named as an apostle with Barnabas (Acts 14:14).
b) He was described as being “filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 13:9).
5. Disciples may be filled with the Holy Spirit too
a) The first disciples of the Jerusalem Church were described as being “all filled with the Holy Spirit”
(Acts 2:4).
b) There was another mention that the disciples continued to experience the filling of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 4:31).
c) The filling of the disciples was not restricted to the Jerusalem Church. The disciples in the newly formed church in Antioch, Pisidia, were described as being “filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit”
(Acts 13:52).
Let us be challenged to seek the filling of the Holy Spirit in our life. He desires to fill us with His power, joy and so much more!