Daily Devotions

Filled with the Holy Spirit

Filled with the Holy Spirit 
Day 63

"The manifestation of the Spirit..."

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:7


We may know quite clearly when and if the Spirit of God is working in the life of an individual. This is clearly taught in the Scriptures.

1. The work of salvation

The work of regeneration may be described in two ways:

a) The invisible aspect (This is spiritual work that may not have any manifestation.)
b) The visible aspect (This will be manifested in the life of the truly born again person.)

2. The work of sanctification

The work of sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit where He makes the believer holy. This work is done in multiple parts of the life of the individual.

a) The heart is involved.
b) The mind is also involved.
c) The spirit of the believer is also involved.
d) The character.
e) The behaviour will manifest the work of the Holy Spirit.

3. Spiritual gifts

Paul wrote clearly on this matter in the following text.

“But the manifestation of the Spirit
is given to each one for the profit of all.”
1 Corinthians 12:7

a) The word “manifestation”
i) The visible aspect is in focus.
ii) If a person has a gift from the Spirit of God it will manifest itself.
b) “Manifestation of the Spirit”
i) It will be consistent with what is taught in the Scriptures.
ii) It will never clash with what is clearly taught in the Lord’s word.
iii) It will express itself in holiness.
c) “Given to each one for the profit of all”
i) These principles apply to each and every spiritual gift.
ii) All gifts are meant to benefit the Body of Christ.
iii) All gifts are given by God with its own definite purpose and goal.
iv) Each gift is to be greatly appreciated and carefully employed for the blessing of all.