Daily Devotions


Day 116

"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4

Text: Genesis 20:1-18


It was God who called Abraham a prophet. It was the Lord again who instructed Abimelech to seek Abraham out so that he could make amends. Above all, he must ask Abraham to intercede in prayer for him (Genesis 20:7).

Abimelech had done much already. He compensated Abraham for the wrongful abduction of Sarah. He had also given him full permission to dwell in his country if Abraham so wished (Genesis 20:15). He now sought Abraham out to intercede for him. This was the last part of the restoration process. Till Abraham had prayed, and till God answered his prayer, Abimelech was not out of danger! God had “closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech”!


One would imagine that because of the weakness of Abraham, he would be disqualified from the ministry of prayer! But that was not the case. God still loved Abraham and He would respond if he were to call out to Him in prayer! He may have some ways to go before his faith reached full maturity, but that did not affect his standing before God!

“So Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimelech,
his wife, and his female servants. Then they bore children;
for the Lord had closed up all the wombs of the house of
Abimelech, because of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.”

GENESIS 20:17-18

1. The Intercession of Abraham

Once again, Abraham found himself interceding for others. He had prayed much on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah! Though he did not manage to save the twin cities, at least the life of his nephew was saved!

2. God’s answer to his intercession

It was God who told Abimelech that he would hear Abraham’s prayer! He must seek Abraham’s intercession! No other means were open to him!

3. Significant spiritual lessons

What lessons may we draw from this passage of Scripture? Let us consider the following thoughts:-

a) The tender-mercies of God

The mercy of the Lord is obviously highlighted. Abimelech, Sarah and Abraham all learned deep lessons about the tender mercies of God through this incident. Different aspects of that mercy were revealed in startling clarity!

b) A Covenant-Keeping God

Abraham discovered what a GREAT God the Lord was! He truly honoured His covenant – despite all the weaknesses Abraham displayed!