Daily Devotions


Day 198

"He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, but he who is impulsive exalts folly." Proverbs 14:29

Text: Genesis 27:1-46


Esau had begged his father for another blessing. Isaac gave that blessing. However, that word he gave was not what Esau wanted to hear. The only thing that sounded a little pleasant was the thought that sometime in the future, he would be able to break the yoke of his brother on his neck!

There was that slim chance that Isaac might be able to reverse the blessing he gave to Jacob. But the blessing that his father had given his brother could not be withdrawn or mitigated in any way! Esau must have been angry with Jacob for the longest time, probably ever since he had his birthright stolen from him. Now he felt even angrier! Instead of dealing with the problem of the sin of anger in his heart, he nurtured it.

“So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing which his father had blessed him, and Esau said in his heart,
‘The days of mourning for my father are at hand;
then I will kill my brother Jacob.'”


1. From hatred to contemplation of murder

We are reminded of the story of how Cain killed his brother. A potential disaster was brewing in Isaac’s family! He was too old and too tired to be able to do anything that could have helped the worsening relationship between his two sons.

2. A big plan to kill Jacob

Esau figured that his father would die before too long. Then there would be customary mourning period. He planned to kill his brother Jacob after the mourning period was over. And he would not shed a tear when he had done his brother in!


Esau being the man that he was, could not but give vent to his frustration and anger. Angry words are often spoken loudly. Soon, knowledge of Esau’s plot to kill Jacob came to the ears of Rebekah!

“And the words of Esau her older son were told to Rebekah.
So she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said to him,
‘Surely your brother Esau comforts himself concerning you by
intending to kill you…”


Did Rebekah realize that her conniving had made the situation at home worse? Did she comprehend that her plot to steal the firstborn blessing from Esau had backfired badly? What had Jacob gained by deceiving Isaac his father? What had he obtained from defrauding his brother? His very life was now threatened! How could he hope to enjoy the wealth that his father had bestowed upon him, if he was slain? Together, mother and son, discussed all the options! No attempt at reconciliation was ever contemplated! The problem had gone too far! Sin had the upper hand for the moment.