Daily Devotions


Day 216

"He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver Him and honour him." Psalm 91:15

Text: Genesis 29:1-35


How did Jacob fit into Laban’s family? He certainly did not laze around as a house guest. That would be unthinkable. He had already proven himself when he helped Rachel water the flock of sheep. Jacob must have busied himself and helped where he could. Laban noted his industry and broached the subject of gainful employment with him.

“Then Laban said to Jacob, ‘Because you are my relative,
should you therefore serve me for nothing? Tell me, what
should your wages be?'”


Laban must have appreciated the efforts of Jacob in his month-long stay in his household. He had not asked for a salary though he had worked for him for a whole month. Laban must have felt that he would like to retain Jacob as a worker. He would hate to see Jacob, the hard and diligent worker leave to work elsewhere. He knew that others would snap up the chance of offering Jacob gainful employment. He would not be able to retain Jacob if one of those offers had been accepted!


Jacob had felt quite at home in Laban’s family. He was, after all, his uncle. The month stay in Padan Aram had been comfortable. Now there was this job offer. How should he decide?

“Now Laban had two daughters: the name of the elder
was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel.
Leah’s eyes were delicate, but Rachel was beautiful
of form and appearance. Now Jacob loved Rachel; so he said,
‘I will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter.'”

GENESIS 29:16-18

Bridal Dowry

Eliezer had brought ten camels with him. These carried many precious bridal gifts for Rebekah and her family. Jacob had come empty handed. He had nothing to offer as a suitable bridal dowry for the hand of Rachel.

An Outstanding Original Idea

Jacob had grown to love Rachel over the past month! The contrast between Rachel and Leah were obvious. The latter was plain compared to the former. Without too much hesitation, Jacob asked for the hand of Rachel in marriage. He would work for Laban for seven long years without a salary. His reward was to have Rachel as his bride!

What an original idea that was! Jacob did not know how long he would have to stay away from his beloved mother, when he first started out. Now he was committing himself to seven years of hard work! Great must have been his love for Rachel! But how would Laban receive this proposal?