Daily Devotions


Day 14

"He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel…" Genesis 3:15

Text: Genesis 3:1-24


The consequences of sin must be noted, yea, highlighted! The lesson of the deadliness of sin must be well learned!

1. Hiding from God

Adam and Eve attempted to hide from God (Cf. Genesis 3:8). This was nothing short of absurdity! Did they think that they could have hidden themselves from the Omniscient Creator? Sin had already taken effect. It had clouded the mind.

2. Playing the Blaming Game

When confronted, Adam blamed Eve for giving him the fruit! She in turn blamed the serpent for having deceived her (Cf. Genesis 3:12-13). The marriage ties were now marred badly.

3. The Curse of the Lord

a) On Adam

His life of ease was over – forever! If he were to survive, he would have to labour very hard from here on!

b) On Eve

Her life would be one of tension in the family. Instead of oneness there would be strife. She would have to learn submission. She would not find it easy to do that. She would experience intense pain in child-bearing.

4. Driven out of the Garden of Eden

It was God’s prerogative to give to Adam and Eve a truly lovely home. They had proven themselves unworthy and they would now have to forfeit everything. God could not allow them to stay lest they misunderstood further the gravity of their sin.

5. An important theological note

The Apostle Paul gave an important theological explanation concerning the sin of Adam. Let us ponder carefully his insight.

“…through one man sin entered into the world,
and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men,
because all sinned…”



But all was not lost! God gave a glimmer of hope in this promise (often called “the protevangelium” – or “the first Gospel”). This word was spoken in the hearing of the cursed serpent. One day God would send a Redeemer who wou