Daily Devotions


Day 308

"Until the time that his word came to pass, The word of the Lord tested him." Psalm 105:19

Text: Genesis 39:1-23


Joseph did not know that the Lord was testing him. God had planned to test him over a few years. Would Joseph pass all his tests? He would need to do that, if he were to see his destiny fulfilled. But when Joseph was fettered and walked about in irons, he could not fathom this vital truth – that God was testing him!


What is most conspicuous as we read about the other sons of Israel, is that God was not mentioned at all. The absence of the Lord’s hand of blessing was most telling. On the other hand, God’s Presence with Joseph was keenly felt.

“The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man;
and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.”

The Lord promised all the three patriarchs that He would be with them. His Presence with them would make all the difference. But it would require faith on the part of the individual to appreciate the Presence of God in his life. If anyone did not exercise that faith in the Lord, he may not expect the fullness of blessing promised!

However, when a person is blessed with God’s Presence, then he may expect to become a “successful man”. Joseph was that special young man who would receive the singular blessing of the Lord! He was different from his brothers. He had chosen to walk in the fear of the Lord!


Potiphar may not have shared the same faith as his slave, Joseph, but even he could not but note that God’s Presence with Joseph made a vast difference in his family fortune.

“And his master saw the Lord was with him
and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand.”

Potiphar was not a captain of the Pharaoh’s guard because he was dim-witted. He had been around long enough to know that Joseph was no ordinary person. He had risen from the ranks. He had seen enough of life to note that Joseph must be especially loved by the Lord – for he was so blessed. Never in his life had he witnessed such blessings upon a slave! It must have been the God that Joseph worshipped who had caused these blessings to come upon all the work that Joseph did for his master Potiphar.

The particle “all” was well chosen. It highlighted an important truth! Joseph’s presence in Potiphar’s household resulted in increase of wealth. A slave owns nothing. He receives no wages either, no matter how hard he works! However, if he were to shirk his duties, he would be severely punished! Joseph must have decided from the very first day that he would walk close to the Lord. He would trust the Lord in this new land.