Daily Devotions
"And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it." Genesis 4:7b
Text: Genesis 4:1-26
Each time a family is planned, it represents hope – of a better future! We can be sure that Adam and Eve would go to great lengths to instruct their children, sharing their experiences in life with them. How they must have regretted their sinning against the Lord. They would certainly spare no effort to warn them about the deadliness of sin. At the same time, they would have taught their children how to relate to God in faith.
The story of Cain and Abel offers many significant spiritual lessons. Before we look at this narrative in closer detail, it must be said that they were not the only offspring of Adam and Eve. The Scriptures were written to convey deep and important theological truths! Thus there was no attempt to trace the movements of the other children that Adam and Eve must have had!
1. Original Sin
Both Cain and Abel were not spared from inheriting the sin nature of Adam and Eve! Both were born with original sin. Both had to learn how they must choose to respond to the presence of sin and evil within their hearts.
2. Knowledge of God
Adam and Eve had taught their children about God. They knew Him as Creator-God. They were also taught how to worship Him.
3. The Worship of God
Cain and Abel both offered worship individually. Externally, both appeared to have given due worship to God. However, God expressed respect only for Abel’s worship.
“Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat.
And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not
respect Cain and his offering.”GENESIS 4:4-5
4. The Deadly Assertion of Sin
Cain was suddenly filled with anger (Cf. Genesis 4:6). He was probably angry with both his brother and God Himself! In obvious possession of a tempestuous spirit, Cain plotted to kill his brother! Soon an opportunity arose and he ended that day with blood on his hands! He had taken the life of his own brother!
The Apostle John commented on why Cain killed Abel in his first general epistle.
“…Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother.
And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil
and his brother’s righteous.”1 JOHN 3:12
Wise is the person who takes the problem of sin seriously!