Daily Devotions


Day 19

"You are indeed angry, for we have sinned - In these ways we continue; and we need to be saved." Isaiah 64:5

Text: Genesis 4:1-26


The first attempt to keep a genealogical record in the Scriptures is found in Genesis (Genesis 4:16-22). Genealogical records were not very detailed. These records were kept for more than just to track family history. The records bear testimony of a number of important truths:-

1. The original blessing of God continued to be in force despite the perpetration of sin

a) Man continued to bear the image of God (Cf. Genesis 1:26-27).

b) He continued to have dominion (Cf. Genesis 1:26).

c) He continued to enjoy the general blessings of God (Cf. Genesis 1:28)

2. God’s grace was expressed in protection and provision

a) Cain may have left the presence of God, but he was able to build up a city for his people (Genesis 4:17).

b) The blessing of progeny was not withdrawn. Cain’s wife was probably one of the daughters of Adam and Eve. The law prohibiting such marriages was not given until the time of Moses (Cf. Leviticus 18:6-18)


One of the descendants of Cain developed a perverted sense of pride in his violent behaviour. He boasted to his wives of his killing of a man.

“Adah and Zillah, hear my voice,
Wives of Lamech, listen to my speech!
For I have killed a man for wounding me,
Even a young man for hurting me.
If Cain should be avenged sevenfold,
Then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.”

GENESIS 4:23-24

Obviously, he knew about his forefather Cain. Instead of learning the right lessons, he defied anyone attempting revenge! Sin had become deeply entrenched in the hearts of man!


Adam and Eve must have been quite upset that they had lost two sons. Abel was dead. Cain was under the curse of the Lord. There were other children. Great hope surged in their hearts once again when Seth was born. In time, he had a son called Enosh. In his time, “men began to call on the name of the Lord” at last (Genesis 4:25-26)!