Daily Devotions


Day 13

"Who makes His angels spirits?"

Text: Hebrews 1:7


The Scriptures describe God creating man (Cf. Genesis 1 and 2). Man was made from the earth and God gave to man the breath of life. Psalm 139 was written with a great sense of awe at the way God fashioned man.


Little is said about the creation of angels. The author of Hebrews however cited a text from the Book of Psalms where the creation of angels is briefly mentioned.

“And of the angels He says:
‘Who makes His angels spirits
And His ministers a flame of fire.'”
Hebrews 1:7

1. And of the angels He says

a) This text is taken from Psalm 104:4
b) The context of this particular text is that of God as Creator
i) God is described as having created angels (Cf. Psalm 104:4)
ii) He is also described as having created the world (Cf. Psalm 104:5-26)
iii) He is also portrayed as One who sustains and provides (Cf. Psalms 104:27-30)

2. The nature of angels

a) Angels are presented in contrast to Man who is described clearly as made from the dust (Cf. Genesis 2:7; 3:19)
b) Angels are simply “spirit beings” (Cf. Psalm 104:4)
c) They may indeed be described as “flames of fire” (Cf. Psalm 104:4)

3. The function of angels

a) Attention is given to their function rather than their essence or nature.
b) They are called “ministers” of God.
c) The basic meaning behind this word is that of being “servants”.
d) The mighty spirit-beings of God are faithful servants who do His bidding!