Daily Devotions


Day 19

"Ministering spirits"

Text: Hebrews 1:14


The following text is surely one of the most uplifting passages we may read in the Scriptures!

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth
to minister for those who will inherit salvation.”
Hebrews 1:14

1. Ministering spirit

a) The word “ministering” actually describes them as if:-
i) They are orderlies.
ii) They are standing by to await God’s summons.
iii) They remain “spirits” (as distinguished from corporeal beings).
b) Sent forth
i) They do the bidding of God.
ii) They are not at the beck and call of man.

2. To minister

a) This word describes the nature of their work.
b) They are willing to do “humble work” though they are capable of doing mightier things.
i) They can appear as humble messengers.
ii) They can explain difficult prophecies.

3. Those who will inherit salvation

a) The recipients of their assistance is clearly identified.
b) They are to especially care for and minister to those who inherit salvation.
i) All children of God will benefit.
ii) All children of God will be guarded by His angels.


“The angel of the LORD encamps all around
those who fear Him, and delivers them.”
Psalm 34:7