Daily Devotions


Day 333

Entertained angels...

Text: Hebrews 13:2b


Do we have clear examples of people who practised this ministry of “entertaining strangers”? Let us consider the following texts:-

1. An apparently well-known practice in New Testament times:-

a) Disciples practised caring for each other (in the Jerusalem church) {Cf. Acts 2:44-45}.
b) They did not necessarily know each other to express care and concern.
c) Disciples took it upon themselves to care for itinerant servants of God.
i) Paul and his team found shelter in their travels in homes.
ii) Converts opened their homes to them (e.g. Lydia Cf. Acts 16:15).
iii) Unnamed disciples took Paul, Luke and others in (Cf. Acts 21:4).
iv) Gaius was particularly praised for caring for “strangers” (Cf. 3 John 5).

2. Some have unwittingly entertained angels

a) This was to encourage the practice of “entertaining strangers”.
b) This phrase harks back to the time when Abraham entertained “three men”
(Cf. Genesis 18).
c) Two of the three men were “angels” who had appeared in human form.
d) One of them was the Lord Himself.

3. An example of entertaining strangers (Abraham’s example)

a) He washed their feet (Cf. Genesis 18:4).
b) He provided bread, cakes, butter and milk (Cf. Genesis 18:5-7)
c) He even killed a fatted calf to feed his honoured guests (Cf. Genesis 18:7).

4. A special blessing

What is one special blessing God would give to people who entered into this special ministry? Their reward is that they may have entertained “angels”.