Daily Devotions


Day 335

"Marriage is honourable..."

Text: Hebrews 13:4a


The institution of marriage is in serious trouble today! It is not incorrect to say that the institution of marriage was already in trouble in the first century. The Lord Jesus had to address the problem of quick divorce (Cf. Matthew 19:1-12).

1. The Practice of Divorce

a) This was advocated by the Pharisees.
b) They backed up this line of thinking by citing an ancient Mosaic Law. (Cf. Deuteronomy 24:1-4)

2. The Reply of the Lord Jesus

a) His argument was from God’s original plan for marriage.
b) God was the One who joined two people in marriage (Cf. Genesis 2:24).


The author of Hebrews had to address this problem of marriages falling apart.

“Marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled;
but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”
Hebrews 13:4

1. Upholding the institution of marriage

a) It is declared an “honourable” institution.
b) It is to be upheld.

2. No alternative to the institution of marriage

a) Today, there are some who reject the institution of marriage as outdated.
b) There are some others who argue that divorce is a good solution to problems in marriage.
c) There are still others who argue that “total freedom” should be given to individuals and they may decide whom they wish to marry (the lobby for same sex marriage is very strong in some countries).
The author’s final word was not one of debate but one of solemn admonition. All must answer to God as Judge in the final analysis!