Daily Devotions


Day 346

"Do not forget to do good and to share..."

Text: Hebrews 13:16


This should be the most natural thing a good disciple of the Lord Jesus would do! A word of exhortation to keep doing good is both wise and timely.

“But do not forget to do good and to share,
for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16

1. Do not forget to do good

a) It is possible to “forget”.
i) When we are too caught up with life.
ii) When we are too bogged down with resolving problems.
iii) When we become overly self-centered.
b) To do good
i) Doing good should be a priority.
ii) Sadly the commitment to do good often slips down the ranks.
iii) A reminder to do good is then necessary.

2. To share

a) To do good is not merely to give “leftovers” or “handouts”.
b) There is no mistaking the meaning of the word “share”:
i) The word “share” is often translated “fellowship”.
ii) Doing good is not just doing a charitable act (e.g. giving a small donation).
iii) It is certainly not “giving a few cents to a beggar!”
iv) To share in fellowship is to express deep and genuine care.
v) It is opening the hand wide and to give generously.
vi) This was certainly taught from the days of Moses (Cf. Deuteronomy 15:7-18).