Daily Devotions


Day 35

"What is man that You are mindful of him..."

Text: Hebrews 2:6b


What are some “rules” we must apply when we cite the Scriptures? The following things are reflected in the way the author of Hebrews cited the Scriptures:-

1. It must be made clear that the Scriptures are being cited.

a) It is permissible to cite the name of the author.
b) It is also permissible not to cite the name of the human author of the Scriptural text cited.
c) In any case, the high regard for the Scriptures must be noted.

2. A sound and strong theological stance must also be advanced:-

a) There must be that basic understanding that the Scriptures carry authority.
b) There must also be a very strong appreciation that God is the ultimate Divine author.


What rules must be borne in mind when the Scriptures are applied? (Citation and application are two different things). We must take note of the following:-

1. The citation of Psalm 8

The following text is taken from Psalm 8. Careful and accurate citation must be observed:-

“You have made him a little lower than the angels;
You have crowned him with glory and honour,
And set him over all works of Your hands.
You have put all things in subjection under his feet.”
Hebrews 2:7-8

2. Exposition is helpful

Exposition helps us to understand the way an author understands the written Scriptures. The way is then made clear for the application of the text.

3. Normal Application

The original context must be borne in mind. Psalm 8 focuses on “man” as the original focus.

4. Special application of any text must be carefully done

The author of Hebrews skillfully applied this text to Jesus, the Son of man!