Daily Devotions
"That He might destroy him who had the power of death... "
Text: Hebrews 2:14
A great spiritual battle was prophesied in the following text.
“And I will put enmity between you and the woman.
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”
Genesis 3:15
This battle would ultimately be between the Devil and the Seed of the Woman, Jesus the Son of Man!
This great battle was fought, albeit unbeknownst to mankind, when Jesus bruised the head of the serpent. The great snake bruised his heel and caused the death of Jesus. But let us take heart as we read again the following words.
“Through death He might destroy him who had the power of death,
that is, the devil.”
Hebrews 2:14
1. The devil identified as The Enemy
The devil used many minions to oppose and attack Jesus.
a) Jesus earthly opponents were identified as from the devil (Cf. John 8:44).
b) Judas was controlled directly by the Devil (Luke 22:3).
2. The devil as having “the power of death” (kratos- “power”)
a) This is not “power” (“exousias”- authority).
b) Only God has the full authority (“exousias”) over death.
c) This so-called “power” is related to the “fear of death” (Cf. Hebrews 2:15).
3. The devil’s power destroyed by the Son of Man
a) It was as the Son of Man (“flesh and blood”) that Jesus destroyed the power of the fear of death that the Devil wielded over man.
b) It was necessary to defeat the Devil through His own death.
c) Jesus faced death and the Devil; totally unafraid because of His complete trust in His Father’s plan (Cf. Hebrews 2:13a)
There was high purpose in Jesus taking upon Himself “flesh and blood”!