Daily Devotions
"He can have compassion..."
Text: Hebrews 5:2
The very nature of the work of God determines the kind of people qualified to serve Him. These requisite qualities may be divided broadly into two categories:-
1. With reference to God
The following may be highlighted:-
a) He must have “the fear of God”.
b) He must have a holy regard of the things of God.
c) He must have a deep knowledge of the things of God.
i) The Scriptures
ii) Worship
iii) Prayer
d) He must ever uphold and defend the things of God with his very life.
2. With reference to people
The following text highlights one of the requisite qualities.
“He can have compassion on those who are ignorant
and going astray…”
Hebrews 5:2
a) He must know that there would be some who are ignorant of God.
b) He must also know that there would be some who would go astray.
c) He must possess above all “compassion” (metriopathein dunamenos).
i) This includes a deep and intense feeling of pity (Cf. Matthew 9:36),
(The word used in this text was “esplagchnisthe” – a different word)
ii) There must be a sense of empathy.
iii) There is also a great sense of energy expressed in this concept of “compassion”.
A high priest who does not possess both a high regard for God, and a strong sense of compassion for sinful men would not be able to sustain his ministry.