Daily Devotions
"And no man takes this honour to himself..."
Text: Hebrews 5:4
How should we view the idea of serving God? The following text highlights an important aspect of service.
“And no man takes this honour to himself,
but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.”
Hebrews 5:4
1. And no man takes this honour to himself
a) To be called to serve is an honour given by God Himself.
b) No one must presume to take this honour to himself,
2. The sin of presumption in service is committed
a) When a person attempts an office to which he is not called.
b) When a person demonstrates unsuitable qualities for service.
c) When a person is full of himself and his so-called gifts.
3. But he who is called of God, just as Aaron was
a) There is such a thing as a calling from God.
b) Aaron was cited as an example as one called to serve God as high priest.
4. How would we know if we are called to serve God today?
Here are some practical and helpful guidelines. Three may be highlighted:-