Daily Devotions


Day 138

"Solid food..."

Text: Hebrews 5:14a


The author was determined to make a distinction between “milk” and “solid food” (Hebrews 5:12-14).

1. The idea of milk and spiritual babies

a) The author of Hebrews certainly employed the word “milk” as food fit only for babies.
b) The apostle Peter also employed this idea (1 Peter 2:2).
i) Those who had just believed in Jesus were called “babes”.
ii) They were encouraged to feed on the milk of God’s word in order to effect growth.

2. The idea of “solid food”

i) This analogy is well taken!
ii) Babies need to be weaned off breast-feeding.
iii) They must be taught and encouraged to partake of “solid food”.

3. The significance of the imagery of “solid food” in the natural world

i) Milk is fine for babies!
ii) But nature dictates that babies must grow out of infant food.
iii) Nature further rules that partaking of solid food is the order of life.

4. The significance of the imagery of “solid food” in the spiritual world

i) All believers begin with being babes in Christ.
ii) There are also powerful laws that exist in the spiritual realm that are akin to the natural world- especially with reference to spiritual growth.
iii) All believers must consider spiritual growth (into maturity) as most natural.
iv) All believers must look forward to being mature enough to partake of spiritual food in due course!