Daily Devotions
"Confident of better things..."
Text: Hebrews 6:9
Reading Hebrews can sometimes cause alarm bells to ring. This segment (Hebrews 6:1-8) is one of those passages that cause people to feel alarmed! Many issues have arisen from the reading of this text. These issues include the following:-
1. Could the truly repentant make good?
2. Could true believers lose their salvation?
3. Could believers lose their reward because of sin?
The author of Hebrews did not answer any of the questions. However he did offer a word of comfort in the following text.
“But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you,
yes, things that accompany salvation, though we speak
in this manner.”
Hebrews 6:9
1. We are confident of better things concerning you
a) The strong stance taken by the author is maintained.
b) However the readers the author had in mind would be “the exception to the case”.
2. Things that accompany salvation
a) Genuine salvation always manifests itself in works.
b) Those who can display definite evidence of salvation have nothing to worry about.
c) Only those who merely claim or profess salvation have every reason to be worried.
3. Though we speak in this manner
a) The manner in which the author wrote (or spoke) was not uncommon.
b) He and others who were Biblically like-minded would hold the same position.
c) These do not preach a watered-down gospel where people are asked merely to profess faith in Christ, but without any emphasis on “working out their salvation”.
It is wise always to examine ourselves whether we are in the faith!