Daily Devotions


Day 218

"With His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place..."

Text: Hebrews 9:12


What was the most significant thing in the earthly Tabernacle? Without a doubt it would be “The Holiest of All”. Everything led to “The Holy of Holies”! The author of Hebrews focuses on only one thing in the “greater and more perfect Tabernacle” in the following text!

“Not with the blood of goats and calves,
But with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place
Once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.”
Hebrews 9:12

1. Not with the blood of goats and calves

a) This statement was made with reference to the Levitical priestly system
b) The blood of goats and calves had to be shed as the means of entering into the Most Holy Place by the Aaronic High Priest
c) In the new Tabernacle, this approach was rendered obsolete

2. With His own blood

a) Blood still needed to be shed.
i) Jesus had to shed His own blood to atone for man’s sins.
ii) His life had to be given on behalf of sinners.
iii) Because He was the Perfect Son of God and Son of Man His sacrifice was accepted.
b) He entered into the Most Holy Place once for all.
i) Jesus had gained entrance into the Most Holy Place.
ii) He had done what no other high priest could even dream of attempting.
iii) He would not have to die again and again to gain entrance.
iv) The entrance into the Most Holy Place was “once for all”.
c) Having obtained eternal redemption

The salvation that Jesus has obtained for mankind may indeed be described as “eternal redemption”. What a glorious Tabernacle ministry Jesus has.