Daily Devotions


Day 225

"This is the blood of the covenant..."

Text: Hebrews 9:20


Moses gathered the children of Israel together for a special time of worship! The occasion for this unique gathering together was the celebration of God giving to the nation a blessed covenant. The offerings were made and blood was sprinkled on the altar, the book of the covenant and on the people. Moses went on to make a solemn declaration.

“Saying, ‘This is the blood of the covenant which God
has commanded you.'”
Hebrews 9:20

1. The first covenant

a) This was a major cause for celebration for it isn’t everyday that God would make a covenant with people.
b) The people had to realize that a covenant involved two parties.
i) There was God’s part where He promised He would protect and provide.
ii) There was the nation’s part where there must be faith and obedience.

2. The blood of the covenant

a) The covenant was sealed and settled with the shedding of the blood of goats and calves.
b) The shedding of blood emphasized the solemnity of the covenant.

3. Which God had commanded

a) The Covenant contained many laws, of which three categories stand out:-
i) The Moral Law commonly called “The Ten Commandments”.
ii) Judicial laws to maintain law and order.
iii) Ceremonial laws for worship purposes.
b) These were to be appreciated as covenantal laws.
i) These were not mere good advice.
ii) These laws could lead to great blessings when kept faithfully.
iii) These laws could also lead to punishment from God when broken.